Feb 24, 2013

A brave lesson from the chinese bamboo tree...

A Lesson From the Chinese Bamboo Tree

  •   You take a little seed, plant it, water it, and fertilize it for a whole year, and nothing happens.
  •   The second year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens.
  •   The third year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens.
 How frustrate this becomes!
  •   The fourth year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens.
This is very frustrating.
  •   The fifth year you continue to water and fertilize the seed then. Sometime during the fifth year, the Chinese bamboo tree sprouts and grows NINETY FEET IN SIX WEEKS!    
And how we can apply this for our real life? If you can see life and learning is a process, you makes small steps to make a big step. Sometimes we do something and expect for instant result 
and forget that changes or results need time to happen.  
All take time and demand a lot patience and perseverance, we humans are not so good patiences but if you just try carefully with small steps and learn a lesson in every one of this a lot things can happen around your life just in some years.

Many times our dreams and plans appear as if they are going nowhere, and we are tempted to give up and quit trying. But on the contrary, we must keep watering and fertilizing those dreams inside us. Because we know that if we do not quit, if we show perseverance and endurance, we will also reap a harvest.
Life is much like the growing process of the Chinese bamboo tree. It is maybe often disappointing and we seemingly do things right, and nothing happens.  Just stop thinking like that, turn the picture and think about that this things that "easy come, easy go" and just give us an empty sensation after to reach it, but if you want to keep something forever must to be patience for the achievement. 
For those who do things right and are not discouraged and are persistent things will happen, believe me. Finally we begin to receive the rewards from the waiting time.

Have a wonderful day!

Kath_living the life :)

Jan 14, 2013

How deep is your love....

Have you ever think about the possibility to give away some free hours of your time in a positive and wonderful way? maybe visit someone that is alone in a hospital or in a elderly home care, help in humanity organizations or just give your free help in an arrangement or with your knowledge for start a good project for help people?

Volunteering gives you an opportunity to change lives, including your own.  If you are feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the news on the TV, volunteering can be a great way to cope. If you would like to support a cause but can´t afford donate money, you can donate your time instead, remember that your time has a great value and can make a difference in a positive way.  

Volunteering is the perfect form to discover something you are really good at and develop a new skill.  

Mahatma Gandhi said : "Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were live forever". that means never is too late to learn new skills and live the life fullest, we discover and do different things every single day, we have many opportunities to develop our self and give away positives actions that can make a big progress in others lives, so take this advantage and just do it.

You can find volunteer opportunities everywhere. Look for opportunities at schools, churches, hospitals,organizations and charities.  Get involved in something that you care about and start making a difference. You will be glad you did, i really can promise you that.

Have a wonderful day and week!

Kath living the life

Jan 3, 2013

2013 A New age



Wow 2013. Time is not money anymore, sorry  Mr. Benjamin Franklin  "Time is just flying away from us and that is true.   Maybe is time to make a to do list with all the nice things that we wish to do for this new year?  Well this is my "To do list"  and you can borrow it if you want, remember that sharing happiness  will bring you more happiness back to you.

You really want to travel this year? Do it, Start planning your next destination, don´t block your mind thinking about money,  the real magic is just imagine and feel to be in that special place alone or with a special company.  Start to taste the food, feel the long walks at the beach or in the big city, see the sunsets, count the stars on the sky, check it out which airline will take you there, plan how many days you will need for this amazing trip, check your available free days at work etc....dream on, dream on, dream on.. Because the universe will work  for  come true all the pics inside your head.

Wish with all your heart what you want to do.  Now is time for a new healthy rutin, it´s time for you... maybe a new training program at the gym? eat more vegetables? what about a long walks with friends, your pet or why not alone? sometimes is good to give us some hours of peace,  just alone in our own, for recharge the bateries  in our way back to the earth.  How amazing is our body, maybe is time to take a good care of it.

Imagine this new year like a white page, you need a lot information for fill it totally... maybe is time for a change? 
A new job? A new study? A new love?  start to think about it,  and what you really need life will take you there. Never is late for start something new..don´t be afraid to changes. the clue is to give some goals to your life and keep working for it, give happiness to you with simple things everyday, dream about what you want and draw it, think about it, and you will get it.  

Humans are totally different but at the same time are united in their differences, if you are looking for the love of your life...stop do it! because he/she will be waiting for you when you start to do things you love.

I really hope that you can feel motivated to starter your own list. I am pretty sure that you will feel more happy every time you start to check it out your list, because will remind you that still you have a lot of things to do for your self in this new year.

Kath living the life :)