Sep 15, 2012

Northern lights in a magic sky

Northern light is something I would really love to see one day.  This magical multicoloured curtains of light fill the skies over northern of Norway, bringing every year a lot of people around the world to see this amazing show. 

How does the northern lights work?  The aurora borealis are caused by the interaction between energetic charged particles from the sun and gas molecules in the upper atmosphere of the Earth, about 100 kilometers per second.  On reaching Earth the charged particles are drawn by Earth´s   magnetic field to the poles where they collide with gas molecules in the upper atmosphere causing them to emit light.  The color of the aurora depends on which atom is struck and the altitude of the meeting.

The strength of auroral activity runs in 11-year cycles; 2012/13 just happens to be a peak moment known as “Solar Maximum” with experts predicting plentiful and spectacular displays. If you have always wanted to see the northern lights this is undoubtedly the time.

Found a nice video with this magical northern lights and a nice song who remind me a wonderful person that came in to my life, thanks to you for the journey :)

Kathliving the life

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