Oct 4, 2012

"Think Positive"

It´s quite common to hear people sometimes say: "think positive", to someone who feels down and worried, most people do not take these words seriously because they don´t know what they really mean, but why positive thinking means?

The positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success, it is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results.

The health benefits of positive thinking

Many researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health.  Health benefits that positive thinking may provide incluide:

*Lower levels of distress
*Lower rates of depression
*Better psychological an physical well-being
*Reduce risk of death from cardiovascular disease
*Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
*Lower rates of depression

Helpful positive thinking tips in order to turn the mind toward the positive.

*Use imagination to visualize only favorable and beneficial situations.

*Use positive words in your inner dialogues, or when talking with others.

*Smile little more, as this help to think positively.

*Once a negative thought enters your mind, replace it with a constructive one.

*Think positively, expect only favorable results and all the  circumstances will change accordingly.

*Be kind to yourself as you take charge if your mind, you will come across beliefs of you hold that are unpleasant to you. 

No matter your circumstances, you can make the decision to feel good, to be positive, to be happy, to be optimistic and hopeful and to take control of every aspect of yourself because positive thinking is the easiest way to make changes in your life....

Kath living the life :)

    Sep 22, 2012

    Let´s run with life

    Today will be my first official running time in Oslo and I am a lit bit nervous about it but I feel ready for this.  I have been running for the last months not just for this challenge but also for feel inside the powerful benefits that you can get every time you run.

    The fact is, running has a lot of benefits. And here’s a list of some of the best. Hope you can get motivated and ready to star to run.

    *Healthy heart Running is one of the best ways to give your heart muscle an effective workout. By running regularly you can improve circulation, and reduce the risk of a heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke.
    * Weight loss The average runner burns almost 1000 calories after one hour a training session. So expect to lost some kilos which will in turn help you run faster.
    * Mental health A regular running habit will you lift your mood and build self-esteem. It also increases your self-confidence as you reach fitness and/or weight loss goals. Running can help relieve mild depression.
    *Sleep Studies show that runners find it easier to get to sleep at night and sleep longer. Insomniacs take note.
    *Stress Running increases your ability to cope with everyday minor irritations and stresses.
    *Happiness Endorphins engendered by exercise mean that people who run are often happier than those who don't: ever felt that sense of elation during or after a run (known as the runner's high)? Running regularly can also improve patience and make you more good-tempered and easy-going.
    *Brain power You can increase your mental functions by going running as it boosts blood flow to the brain and helps it receive oxygen and nutrients, making you more productive at work.
    * Complexion Running stimulates your circulation, improving the transportation of nutrients around your system and flushing out waste products. This will help make your skin clearer and give you that distinctive runner's glow.
    * Fat burn By running you are building lean muscle, changing your body composition and your metabolism, so cultivate a regular running habit and you should see a gradual, healthy inch loss.
    So let´s run people…let´s run J

    Sep 15, 2012

    Northern lights in a magic sky

    Northern light is something I would really love to see one day.  This magical multicoloured curtains of light fill the skies over northern of Norway, bringing every year a lot of people around the world to see this amazing show. 

    How does the northern lights work?  The aurora borealis are caused by the interaction between energetic charged particles from the sun and gas molecules in the upper atmosphere of the Earth, about 100 kilometers per second.  On reaching Earth the charged particles are drawn by Earth´s   magnetic field to the poles where they collide with gas molecules in the upper atmosphere causing them to emit light.  The color of the aurora depends on which atom is struck and the altitude of the meeting.

    The strength of auroral activity runs in 11-year cycles; 2012/13 just happens to be a peak moment known as “Solar Maximum” with experts predicting plentiful and spectacular displays. If you have always wanted to see the northern lights this is undoubtedly the time.

    Found a nice video with this magical northern lights and a nice song who remind me a wonderful person that came in to my life, thanks to you for the journey :)

    Kathliving the life

    Sep 9, 2012

    Be strong and keep walking...

    “Promise Yourself"

    To be so strong that nothing
    can disturb your peace of mind.
    To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
    to every person you meet.

    To make all your friends feel
    that there is something in them
    To look at the sunny side of everything
    and make your optimism come true.

    To think only the best, to work only for the best,
    and to expect only the best.
    To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
    as you are about your own.

    To forget the mistakes of the past
    and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
    To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
    and give every living creature you meet a smile.

    To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
    that you have no time to criticize others.
    To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
    and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

    To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
    not in loud words but great deeds.
    To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
    so long as you are true to the best that is in you.” 

     Christian D. Larson, Your Forces and How to Use Them

    Sep 6, 2012

    LOVE is all you need....

    Just take a moment to think about it: " What the world be without love? In fact, there wouldn´t be a single human being on the earth.  If the force of love died today the entare human race would just disappear.  Sounds tragic but in someway is how it could be because  love is the force that moves you.

    This positive force of love can create anything good and increase good things and change all the negative around you. Love must to be an important piece inside your life and that´s the reason that you must to love all the things that you do every single day....

    So what we do for feel love? Simple, Talk about what you love and what you will love to do, talk about your family, friends, partner, your pet etc.  Ask the next person you see what  their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them, this things in life will create a positive atmosphere around you and will keep you with good feelings inside all the time.  

    So let´s start talking about what you love and infect others with your positive energy and be the one who will inspire the world today, maybe someone out there need to hear about this for keep walking?....

    Sep 4, 2012


    I highly recommended meditation for those who want to find a real balance and peace with a soft connection between body and mind.  After you have started meditation as a discipline you will experience a real change and armony connecting with the mind, hearth, body and soul, such a nice feeling that just this discipline can give.  
    Doesn´t matter  wich religion are you coming from..you will not become a  budist anyway,  is the discipline that you will learn here  that will make a change on you.. let´s try meditation...do it for you.

    How to Meditate - Guided Meditation Techniques - Buddhist Meditations

    Sep 2, 2012


                                                               Foto by: Katherine Serrano

    This book have crossed the Atlantic 4 times, have been landing beaches, hotels, resorts and have being part of many pleasant moments in my life for the last two years, but still i´m not finished yet, so i have decided December 2012 as a deadline. So here we go Aleph, here we go. A bit about Paulo Coelho and Aleph, like many of Coelho's other novels, the story in Aleph is one that will appeal to those who view life as a journey.  Sometimes throughout the story, Coelho's tendency to describe spiritual concepts in simple terms borders on cliché. "A life without cause is a life without effect," he repeats, along with other pithy sayings such as "Life is the train, not the station."   

    These sayings take on greater depth, however, as this story's narrator travels back in time and returns to the present with experiences that give them new meaning and also this book could give you a new meaning on your own life, if you want. 

    So here we go people let´s take the train with Aleph.

    Thanks Paulo, your books connect at the soul.

    PD: Have you read Aleph already? I´d like to read you comments about it.

    Este libro ha cruzado el Atlántico cuatro veces, ha aterrizado en playas, hoteles y complejos turísticos y ha sido parte de muchos momentos agradables de mi vida en el ultimo anio, pero aun no lo he terminado de leer, así que he decidido poner como fecha límite diciembre de 2012. Así que aquí vamos Aleph...aquí vamos.  Un poco acerca de Paulo Coelho y Aleph, como muchas otras de las novelas de Coelho, la historia en Aleph será de mucho interés para aquellos que ven la vida como un viaje. A veces, a lo largo de la historia la tendencia de Coelho describe conceptos espirituales sencillos que bordean en cliché. "Una vida sin causa es una vida sin efecto",repitiendo esta frase junto con otras sentenciosas como "La vida es un tren, no una estación."

    Estas palabras adquieren una mayor profundidad, sin embargo, como narrador de esta historia el viaja en el tiempo y regresa al presente con experiencias que les dan un nuevo significado a la vida, las cuales también podrían darle un nuevo sentido a la tuya, si tu quieres.

    Así que aquí vamos, tomemos juntos el tren con Aleph.

    Gracias Paulo, tus libros se conectan con el alma.

    PD:Has leido el libro Aleph? me gustaría leer tus comentarios acerca del mismo.

    Aug 29, 2012

    A New Start...

    Photo by Katherine Serrano (Oslo)

    Creating a fresh start in life can be a good thing and should not be viewed as the worst of situations, but rather, an opportunity to improve. We need a fresh start at times, a sort of mental cleansing that provides a much needed boost to our outlook on life.  Why stay in a situation that is just not working to your advantage? Take action and seize the moment, it’s your life after all so don´t worry about changes. Remember that everything happen for a reason maybe you don´t see that now but in a near future all your questions will be answered. Live the life in present with passion and gratitude  and don´t  worry to much about future, because only we live once...so live it to the fullest!

    Welcome to my journey and thanks for let me be part of your journey too...  

    "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ~Lao Tzu

    El comenzar algo nuevo en la vida no puede ser visto como algo negativo si no mas bien como una oportunidad para mejorar. Todos necesitamos de un nuevo comienzo, una especie de limpieza mental que nos proporcionara un impulso positivo y necesario en nuestra forma de ver y vivir la vida. 
    Por que continuar en una situación que no esta a nuestro favor? Toma acciones y aprovecha el momento, es tu vida después de todo así que no te preocupes por los cambios. Recuerda que todo sucede por una razón quizás ahora no veas el significado pero en un futuro cercano encontraras respuesta a todas tus preguntas.  Viviendo el presente con pasión y gratitud sin preocuparnos tanto por el futuro, porque solo se vive una vez y por eso debemos vivir plenamente.

    Bienvenidos a mi travesia y gracias por dejarme ser parte de la tuya tambien...

    "Cuando dejo ir a quien soy, me convierto en lo realmente debo ser"  Lao Tzu.